Creating Healthier Childcare Environments

Ready to create a healthier, more active environment for young children? The Greaux Healthy Early Childhood Education (ECE) Training Series delivers hands-on, evidence-based strategies to transform childcare centers—covering key topics like indoor play, outdoor play, and screen time. Plus, teachers will earn professional development clock hours required by the Louisiana Department of Education.


Early Childhood Education Training Series

Greaux Healthy’s ECE Training Series teaches childcare center staff and directors how to alter their center’s environment and policies to support healthy habits in our youngest population. Pennington Biomedical researchers gathered evidence-based practices to develop three training modules: Screen Time, Indoor Play, and Outdoor Play. Supplemental resources are available to support the implementation of practices learned within each module.

The Greaux Healthy ECE Training Series is designed for childcare center staff.

The program consists of 3 training modules, each conducted in 2-hour sessions.

The training modules are eligible for up to 6 professional development clock hours.


Early Childhood Education Training Modules

The preschool years are considered some of the most formative in a person’s life, setting the stage for future health, habits, and preferences. By ensuring that preschoolers spend their day in healthy environments, educators can reinforce age-appropriate nutrition, motor skill development, and engagement with screens.

Early Childhood Education Teacher Learning

The Outdoor Play module shares best practices for enhancing a childcare center's outdoor environments, including appropriate toys and activities to increase a child's physical activity.

The Indoor Play module teaches educators how to effectively incorporate indoor play into their daily schedule with activities that promote motor skill development.

The Screen Time module explains the importance of limiting screen time within childcare centers and how to effectively utilize screen time in ways that are both balanced and beneficial for children.

Did you know?

Early Childhood Education Training - Child Playing with Blocks

Preschoolers should engage in physical activity, whether indoors or outdoors, for at least 3 hours each day!

Active play is an important developmental component. It provides children with opportunities to interact and develop connections, which contributes to their physical, social, language, and motor skills development. With over 80% of U.S. children aged 3-5 years attending early childhood education centers, these facilities present an unmatched opportunity to help ensure children meet the recommended amount of daily physical activity. 

Are you looking for childhood obesity prevention training opportunities to provide to your Louisiana childcare centers? Greaux Healthy's Early Childhood Education Training Series is grounded in evidence-based research and available to trainers in Louisiana! These training modules provide center staff with actionable steps to create healthier environments, support healthy development, and offer up to 6 professional development clock hours.

More about the program

The ECE Training Series is designed for Louisiana childcare centers’ owners, directors, and staff. The training series provides childcare center staff with 6 professional development clock hours.

You can access the trainings through two options:

  • If your child care center would like to participate in the training for a professional development day in-person, you can request from the form below.
  • There is also an option for self-paced where staff can do an online virtual training that you can be accessed through the link in the “On-demand Training Available Now!” section. The self-paced trainings will be available in 2025.

If you choose to participate in an in-person training, the trainer will provide you with all necessary materials and resources. If you elect the online self-paced option, materials and resources will be available during and after the training.

If you are a trainer, such as a Pathways trainer, you can access our materials by registering for the Greaux Healthy ECE Training Series Access. You will be required to watch an introduction video on how to access and deliver the ECE Training Series. These trainings are designed specifically for Louisiana childcare centers.

  • If you are a child care center provider, director, or owner, Greaux Healthy can provide technical assistance with connecting you to a trainer that can deliver the Early Childhood Education Training Series and implement the best-practices learned throughout the training.
  • If you are a trainer, Greaux Healthy can provide technical assistance with accessing and delivering the materials, registration, evaluation, and any other assistance needed to ensure the training is effective and successful.

Have additional questions? Use the form below to get in touch.


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Discover more information about the Early Childhood Education Training Series by filling out our information request form.