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Join the Pennington Generation.

Help us take a big step forward for Louisiana children and families.

Be a part of a statewide research study dedicated to growing healthier generations.

Pennington Generation is a long-term research study that aims to partner with Louisiana families to learn more about how physical activity, nutrition, sleep and other factors affect children’s health and growth. It’s part of the Greaux Healthy initiative, powered by Pennington Biomedical Research Center. Our Pennington Mobile Health Unit will visit communities across the state to meet you where you are and make it easier for families to participate!

Who can participate in the study?

We’re looking for people from across Louisiana. You and your family members may be able to join the study if you currently live in Louisiana and meet ANY of the descriptions below:

Children or young adults from birth through 24 years old

Adults ages 25 years and older who are:

  • An immediate family member of someone who has joined the study, OR
  • Trying to have a baby, OR
  • Pregnant or have a partner who is pregnant

Click the button below to answer some questions about your family and get started!

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How does it work?

Families who join Pennington Generation will complete a study visit at the beginning of the study and follow-up visits once a year throughout life. The first study visit will be conducted in your local area in the Pennington Biomedical Mobile Health Unit. Yearly study visits may be conducted online only (through online surveys) or include additional measurements if the Mobile Health Unit is in your area. The table below shows what will happen at each study visit:

ItemFirst VisitYearly Visits
Height (or length for infants)YesWhen possible*
WeightYesWhen possible*
Waist circumferenceYesWhen possible*
Body fat (ages 5 & up)YesWhen possible*
Grip strength (ages 5 & up)YesWhen possible*
Saliva sample (optional)Yes

*When the Mobile Health Unit is in your area.

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Why are we doing this?

Louisiana children are at high risk of developing obesity and other serious health problems that can follow them into adulthood. Research studies like Pennington Generation help us learn important new information on the behaviors and health of Louisiana children, young adults and their families. We will use what we learn to help create effective programs that improve children's health and development over time. You will see these efforts come to life in communities across Louisiana through the Greaux Healthy initiative.

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Meet the study director.

Dr. Peter Katzmarzyk leads the Pennington Generation research program. He is a Professor and Associate Executive Director for Population and Public Health Sciences at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, LA. Dr. Katzmarzyk is recognized internationally for his work in the physical activity and obesity field, and he has conducted large clinical and population-based studies for more than 20 years.